Interview étiquette question - what do we think of this?
So, applied for a job about a month ago.
Have first interview on the 5th, am shortlisted to top 3
Big interview was on the 9th, and included, 2 tests, 2 policy presentations and an 90 minute panel interview.
They will let us know by this morning, they said.
Get an email this morning saying that one of the candidates was being interviewed by Skype because he was on holiday, but the connection was dodgy so they couldn't do it.
Upshot is, CEO is away until the 24th of july, when he will interview the other candidate as well as a short follow up interview for me.
They asked if I was ok with this, I said yes, but expressed some annoyance both because I have an appraisal on the 22nd at my current job ( which will be disingenuous now )and because I got all of three hours as opposed to three weeks to prepare my presentation!
I now think I have been churlish and should have just kept quiet and said, GREAT!
any insight into this TLDR bore fest?