A general thread for people who can't be arsed with all the needy ones
Hi, I don't really have much to add or say today, but the others available to me all looked tedious and it's too nice outside to be talking about dull things today.
Let's talk about something else fun instead. Like these things:
They're really hard to rewire when you're up a stepladder because you have to use those moody tiny screwdrivers. However, the missus suggested I tried using a rubber glove when doing it to gain more purchase and it was a revelation. Properly made life easier. Thought I'd share that with all you practical types.
I had a swell weekend thanks guys. Got given free beer at a local festival up the park, ate some pork, inherited an Xbox360, painted the kitchen, went to a gig. Hope you all did too.
I'm now off to Sainsbury's.