hey creaky, i can see it now
Climate change + debt + growing inequality + booming world population = everything is totally fucked. Food production is just not going to be able to keep up with demand. There will be more natural disasters - food production will be affected by this, the amazon could turn into a desert.
Here's the quote that particularly reminded me of what creaky has been saying (that governments will eventually have to take total control of basic resources and they should start preparing for it now):
"More "fortunate" countries, such as the UK, the US and most of Europe, may well look like something approaching militarised countries, with heavily defended border controls designed to prevent millions of people from entering, people who are on the move because their own country is no longer habitable, or has insufficient water or food, or is experiencing conflict over increasingly scarce resources... Anyone who thinks that the emerging global state of affairs does not have great potential for civil and international conflict is deluding themselves. It is no coincidence that almost every scientific conference that I go to about climate change now has a new type of attendee: the military."
The article concludes with...
"We urgently need to do – and I mean actually DO – something radical to avert a global catastrophe. But I don't think we will. I think we're fucked. I asked one of the most rational, brightest scientists I know – a scientist working in this area, a young scientist, a scientist in my lab – if there was just one thing he had to do about the situation we face, what would it be? His reply? "Teach my son how to use a gun.""
But most of you don't give a shit, do you?