Michael Mann films...
to me he seems to specialise in films that plod along, often sagging massively in the middle, people shout a bit, then that's it.
always thought Heat would be a great film. watched it, it's not, man, it just isn't. i've heard people say it's one of Pacino's best films, nowhere near, not even in his top dozen. even just in the action genre, not a standout for me.
tried The Insider, which i really thought would be my cup of tea, again, disappointing, just two hours of Al being all Al and Russell Crowe doing his generic non-intimidating guy (wig, slight stammer).
Public Enemies, yeah, kinda liked it but again, just about half-an-hour in the middle were they might as well have just been dancing or lying down (though a pretty good ending)
The Aviator - sigh.
Last of the Mohicans - not for me.
most of the others have got Will Smith in.
i'm tempted to say he's never directed or produced a properly standout film. are Manhunter or Thief worth watching?