Pub round etiquette - how to keep track over time?
At the pub recently, group of around half a dozen people and ended up each having three drinks before agreeing call it a night, so three people bought a round and the other three didn’t. Do you square up with cash, or just say swings and roundabouts?
Out again last night in a group with some of the same people, some different people. Bit self-conscious about not getting a round in the previous time, I tried to get the first round in last night but was pipped by someone else. Ended up again with fewer rounds bought than people present, and despite sincerely trying missed my turn.
Now, inevitably I’ll see these same people at the pub at some point in the next few weeks, but I ended up last night feeling like I should be dispensing money before the ledger gets too imbalanced. Is that polite? Or is that silly? Do you keep solid track of your round-buying trade balance with individuals?
Rounds. Tell me about the rules. They don’t really do rounds in other countries, it’s a very British thing.