Do you ever think about
when youre on the internet or watching tv or whatever and you're engrossed in what you're doing. In your head there is a lot of stuff happening, like for instance i may be watching football but theres a dialogue in my head of what im thinking about the game and im thinking about what other people may think about whats happening, or on the internet i might be reading DiS and im reading comments as if they were a conversation happening and theres all this interaction going on... and then i get sucked out of it and realise the room is totally silent and i have just been sat motionless staring at a screen the whole time. Even though a moment ago it felt like so much was going on to an outsider it would look like i was just comatosed or something. Its weird when you have that moment of realisation.
I've had this thought a couple of times lately. Hopefully you will have it now too.