If a kid asks you
"Why do you smoke?" what do you say?
I haven't been asked this myself, but I just remember when I was a kid I use to hassle relatives about their smoking (as I'm sure most of us did) and the answer I always got was something along the lines of "... Well... Because it's very addictive..." and they'd somehow awkwardly work in something like "... You shouldn't do it... Very bad for you... etc." But I was never told about how smoking could actually be a pleasurable thing to do, so when I did have a smoke for the first time when I was about 13, it was a complete shock to me that it actually made me feel good. Didn't touch a cigarette again until I was about 18 mind you, but yeah. What a neat story that was. I bet you feel like a better person for hearing it.
This can be an awkward questions kids ask and how do you answer them thread?