Everglades & Pseudo Transformation
I went on a tour round the Everglades last week. It was beautiful and I had a real hippy moment and felt so at one with nature that I completely lost my fear of the giant dragonflies that were shitting me up on the way into the park. I really felt genuine love for them and they were coming really close and I didn't mind a bit.
I jumped the gun a bit started telling my boyfriend that the experience had really changed me and I didn't think I'd ever be afraid of insects again. I felt really different and I was so happy.
We got back to the shitty hotel we were staying at the there was a baby cockroach on the ceiling... I freaked out, absolutely hated that cockroach and the spaced out feeling disappeared. I couldn't sleep all night because I knew it was there.
Anyway, isn't it the most disappointing thing when you think you've changed and you find out you haven't?!