People who: flake
yes yes I know, we all pull out of things for no reason once in a while because we're just as much pot as kettle. But can I have a thread to vent about flakey people? It honestly feels like all my friends are a bunch of hardcore flakers.
Supposed to go and see L.I.E.S. on a boat today for one of those sunday all day party things, planned, send the message round about 11h suggesting we meet there around 13h, and one by one they drop like flies. So here I am feeling like an ugly duckling all afternoon because I don't want to go to yet another fucking picnic or whatever. And yet it's always 'oh man, we never go out clubbing or dancing until the early hours, it's so hard to get everyone together'. No, it's pretty simple, I always want to go and you all just get all wibbly about it at the first sign of difficulty or expense. I swear, these people have no qualms about dropping 20 euros on a round of crap cocktails in an awful bar but as soon we might have to pay to go to somewhere where it's about music and not alcohol, they all have no money.
Rant over. Any strategies for dealing with this? Genuinely fed up of having to go clubbing alone if I want to see anything good on a weekend night. Am I the problem, am I too demanding? Or do I just need better friends? Help me DiS, you can't all have friends who like music or whatever as much as you, make me feel less alone.