Is it fair for me to be irked by this?
Last night I went to a mate's house to watch Eurovision, along with my gf and her mate who has recently moved here and doesn't know anyone. I asked the host before we came if we should bring anything in terms of food or drink - he said he'd got some beer and pizzas and all was covered. We bought along a bottle of rum and some snacks anyway. Over the night, I drank four of his ales (which he told me cost a quid each), and two slices of supermarket frozen pizza. My gf and her friend drank less than half of the rum they bought along, and left the rest for him.
Today, he sends a facebook message saying he'd totted up the cost and it was £8 each. I know that's not a lot for a night I enjoyed, but it strikes me as rude to ask people for cash after the fact when you'd offered to host an evening and never suggested people would be paying for the pleasure. I don't want to pay him £24 for a few beers (my gf refuses to pay and I'm not going to ask her friend to). At the same time, I don't want to be the arse who itemises a bill and pays exactly what I think I owe him. We've had nights before where we've all agreed to put in a tenner for supplies and I'm fine with that - but I didn't think this was one of them. It's wound me up after a nice weekend and I am IRKED.