Thursday Gaming Thread
The New Gran Turismo is announced with the shock news that it'll have loads of cars in it. Some quite snazzy screenshots are released which I think we'll are agree are 100% exactly what the game will look like when you play it.
Less than a week before the Xbox reveal, strong rumour seems to be that it will be called Xbox Infinity. Other than that the rumour mill seems to have given up a bit.
EA announce they're dropping their Online Pass system.
Had a quick look at Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery, so far it looks utterly charming.
The new Phoenix Wright game isn't going to take 3 years to creep outside of Japan, its heading west just a few months after launch. It will be download only though - OBJECTION!!!
Other stuff may have been going on but I've been too obsessed with Fire Emblem: Awakening to notice.