Punk Wine
I was in Brewdog (Shoreditch) yesterday and got thinking - why is there no one producing/marketing/selling 'punk wine'. Yes, it's as bollocks as punk beer as a concept, but if you're going to have one, why not have the other? And after the hipster fetishization of craft beer, cupcakes, MEAT, cheese and everything else, it's the next logical step. Wine - without the bollocks.
Now, I appreciate that the barrier of entry for brewing is generally lower than for wine making - for beer you need a unit, some kit, and some cash to buy the ingredients, and you can have a brew in a week. With wine you have to buy a vineyard with a production unit, and you have one crop to use, and it might need to mature*, etc - like whisky distillery, it's not a quick process. So it's hard to set up a 'punk wine' producer.
But why isn't there a 'punk wine' bar? Why hasn't someone bought up some unit in Shoreditch, kitted it out in standard old school chairs style, and sells tumblers of wine straight from barrels for simple prices (something like £3 small and £5 large). A bit of description for each wine without being drowned in bollocks tasting notes, and some knowledgeable staff if people wanted more info. IT COULD WORK. Who's with me?**
*Showing my ignorance here, but are there wine producers who buy grapes from elsewhere and manufacturer it themselves?
**Going to tell me half a dozen example of exactly what I've described that I wasn't aware of.