coupon culture.
jfc. i'd honestly rather pay more for stuff just to get out of the supermarket quick without risking any sort of unecessary hold-up.
always thought it was an American thing - big fat women emptying folders of magazine vouchers onto the counter, but it's here man, it's spreading, people have absolutely no shame.
now, sure, i understand that some people are still buying this imaginary recession shit, and obviously it's sensible to spend as little of your hard-earned on boring everyday stuff as possible so you have a bit more cash to save or spend on yourself, and yeah, the big retailers are generally bastards, but just enjoy your life, ffs.
this is quite a famous voucher site - - grim, isn't it? the make-up and pet food aside, i could use all that shit, but if you're really worried about the pennies, almost all of that stuff would be cheaper at the pound shop anyway. if you're willing to cut tokens out of the paper and dehumanise yourself by not paying with real money, you might as well just go there.
into room 101 it goes...