how much of a scummer are you?
Not like criminal or anything, just how much of a dirty looking scratbag are you?
This doesn't mean ugliness, obviously all of you are shining beacons of peerless aesthetic perfection, but maybe you stink or your clothes are shabby and your shoes and socks have holes in them?
Me, you ask? I'm the prime example - So sexy, so goddam 'hawt' that I've had no need to buy more than a few items of clothing in the last decade, and my t-shirts are starting to look threadbare - certainly one of them used to have a vibrant orange logo on the front and is now a plain gray t-shirt with holes in the armpits.
While my personal hygeine is beyond reproach (you'll never catch me with BO (except for that once) or stink-breath or without clean hair) my clothes mostly stink of smoke or fustyness, my socks are unmatched and holey, my shoes have holes in them, I have only 2 work shirts, 1 pair of work trousers and 1 pair of work shoes.
Further to that there's nearly always washing up to be done and there's always a layer of rubbish and dirty clothes scattered around the house, BUT the washing's always done and there's never any skiddies in the bog.
Whatever I'm rambling now so that'll do. Dinner?
Theo, don't be shy