I saw a mouse in my room on Wednesday evening. When I saw it I ran out (leaving the door open) then probably about half an hour later I went back and closed the door. Since then I've kept the door closed and put poison in there (ASDA didn't have any traps).
The last two nights I've slept in the living room and last night I started sorting through my room to try and find the mouse. This involves standing by the door and reaching in with a broom handle to pick things up, shake them, and if they're mouse-free putting them in the hallway. I'm kind of worried that this strategy is flawed as I probably have too many things to fit in the hallway and maybe it's a slightly mental overreaction?
Could you sleep in the same room as a loose mouse?
How evil is it to kill one of god's creatures due to squeamishness?
What are the chances the mouse isn't in my bedroom anymore but is in the living room crawling all over me when I'm asleep?
Deffo going to be tidier from now on, have a maximum of about 5 possesions, none of which are at ground level.