I had idea for an AQOS-style game. It needs work, though
I'll call it BalderDiS.
Basically, it's a rip-off of the board game Balderdash (which in turn is very similar to popular radio show Call My Bluff).
Every week we have five "panellists". The game will consist of 15 rounds. Each round, I'll give a word or phrase* and the panellists have to come up with a definition for the word. One of the five panellists will have the correct definition; the other four will have to make up a definition.
Points will be awarded to:
- DiSers who ^this the correct definition;
- Panellists who get the most ^thises against their definition.
no googling, obvs.
There'd have to be some kind of cut-off point. i.e. panellists post their responses on a Tuesday lunchtime and then there is a cut-off for thises by the Thursday lunchtime, with answers being revealed on a Friday. Or something.
Do you think this would work? Anyone want to be a panellist?