Medical advice sought: elbow damage
A fortnight ago I was out at The Windmill enjoying a few drinks and watching some bands. Suitably refreshed, I got a cab home and decided a visit to Sam's Chicken was a great idea.
I'd sobered up slightly between Brixton and Kentish Town but when I was leaving Sam's this lad was mopping the floor and I managed to slip quite spectacularly and fall very heavily on the floor, mostly on my left side. I didn't feel much at the time but the next day I was in agony, I'd fallen really hard.
Anyway, most of the pain has gone but my elbow is still really sore, I can move it fine, there's no swelling or bruising but if I lean on it at a certain angle it's fucking agony. I've been giving it a good fiddle and comparing it to my other elbow and I can't help but worry I've cracked a bone or something as there's definitely a difference, I can feel some sort of gap in there.
Any elbow experts out there?