What's the best job you've ever had?
not like best paid....the best laugh
I worked in a file storage place when I was about 21.
Never, ever did any work, played cricket and football at lunch for 2 hours. Chucked bananas at horses, that sort of thing.
There was this new kid who started, I say kid - he was in his 30's. Anyway, he made the fatal mistake of turning up on day 1 wearing half mast jeans and white socks. We mercilessly bullied him til the day he left (he got the sack for being plain stupid in the end)
He actually got me in a headlock once and said 'you're a good guy, but if you called my mum a slag, I'll rip your head off' I stopped squashing bananas on his head after that.
He was fucking mental.
So yeah, that job was pretty amazing. Did nothing for my CV, but it was just a right fucking good laugh
and you?