Films I/you watched this weekend EASTER SPECIAL!!!
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 - Does the mum from Beethoven 2 have a clause that only allows her to act in family films set in lakehouse holiday homes? This was rubbish obvs, I'd have probably liked it as a kid though.
Sinister - Rubs, Ethan Hawke with some cracking overacting though. A couple of jumpy bits and Deputy So-and-So was fun but overall a total waste of my time.
Paradise Lost 2 & 3 - Finished this trilogy and it's pretty essential viewing frankly shining a light on some of the most glaringly bad judicial processes in the western world. I've got a slight concern that the filmmakers are so intent on proving innocence they sometimes fall into the same judgemental traps that they're rallying against when casting the finger elsewhere, this is particularly glaring having watched both parts so close to each other. Anyway everyone should watch all of them.
Searching For Sugarman - Loved this, a compelling story told very well with enough beneath the surface to make it pretty thought provoking in a social/political way. The guy seems like a brilliant human being as well which always helps.
And you?