Right kids, some tips on life for you
1. A good glass is essential to the taste of a drink.
2. Don't buy the new tech when it comes out. Wait a year or two and watch it's price tumble and it's features added to.
3. Eyes need balancing. All the time you spend with them zoomed-in on your screens, balance it out staring out a window or at landscapes.
4. You wanna lose weight? Cut your portions to half or two-third size. Watch how a cup of tea chases between meal hunger away.
5. Take care of your teeth. You'll wish you had.
6. Don't walk around communal changing rooms or swimming pools sides barefoot. Verucas are like crack cocaine, once you've got it you can't stop it.
7. Forgive yourself for the mistakes that haunt you from when you were at school/university or around that age. Most people are still children or childish until they reach their late 20's.
8. Revenge is a dish best served unknown to the person you took revenge on.
9. Carpel-tunnel syndrome, sciatica and tinnitus are coming to get you. Maybe it's one of them, maybe it's the holy trinity. You have been warned.
10. Women are great. Not just sexually great. Listen to them. Hold back a second and watch yourself interrupting them. Stop, let them keep speaking. Holy cow! See, they are actually really interesting.
11. Women are more interesting than girls.
12. Humility is an incredibly special quality. Confidence mixed with the ability to humble is what you should aim for.
When I've finished the whiskey in front of me, I'll trawl for some more.
Anymore anytakers?