I think I need to give up the booze...
as basically I'm a hopeless drunk.
I went out on Sunday to do a pub quiz (few beers, nothing mad) but as per usual, I got stupidly drunk.
We went on to a bar when it had finished to look at girls and at that point, I was still pretty sober, but a combination of Cider and Rum rendered me useless come the wee small hours.
I got asked to leave as I was swaying wildly whilst listening to jazz on my ipod.
ANyway, I got a cab home and realised I couldn't find my key. very foolishly I had taken it off the key ring prior to going out as I didn't want to be weighed down. what the hell, man?
So, I basically walked up and down my street for about an hour looking for the key, to no avail.
I ended up knocking on my next door neighbours asking to sleep on their sofa. they said no way! it was 5am, ffs. what the hell, man?
Lots of the night is just a blur, but I remember falling over on some railings and a chap on a pushbike (not dayglo) asked if I was OK.
IN the end, I smashed the pane of glass on the back door and squeezed my way in. I passed out in bed immediately.
So,I wake up yesterday morning with my head stuck to the pillow. I had a lump where I had fallen over and there was a wee bit of blood.
I have subsequently boarded up the door and apologised to my neighbours, who were super cool about it, tbf.
This is the thing - I'm a rubbish drunk. Some people are agressive, some morose, some are complete cunts - I'm just rubbish at drinking. I never really know when to stop and quite often I get into a complete state, falling all over the shop and banging my head and shit.
Thinking I maybe need to kick the booze into touch as I'm not so good at it.
Maybe booze is not for me.
Thanks for reading and contribute, if you like.