are these 'gay' things?
I think Shirley Bassey IS Fabulous
Derek Jarman is one of my favourate filmakers
I liked the smiths and had big flowery shirts
I've always really liked flowers (in the wild, but also being given them)
I've always like kittens and baby animals and they make me go ahhh
I hate macho stuff (although this included hating gym, gym changing and showering and rugby and spanking and being hosed down with other boys by a male master after gym.......I went to an all boys school which was seriously retarded) On the other hand I love bonding with other males, more like brothers.
I think most men with power are shits
I think I would prefer a woman with power (and then thatcher turned up and turned that on its head)
I like sparkly things and glitter
I think women are lucky to be able to wear nice clothes and shoes and sparkly things and have their hair however they want to
I hated the whole suit and tie thing, although i can now appreciate it more, especially if I regard it as a dressing up thing
I like watching mma
I like brian molko (this is what has sparked off this question now)
I do not fancy blokes particularly but I have no problems in finding other men sweet and like them being expressive and sensual
I do fancy many women
I like watching men dance as much as women (If its good)
I would much rather women who cant dance than men who cant