Still no Thursday Gaming Thread?
The first 'Steam Box' the i3 Piston turns out not to be a Steam Box after all. The specs of the things look rubbish and it costs a mere $1,000, from the looks of some benchmarking based on the graphics options it has taken it'll perform similar to that of a machine that costs around £350 - £400 which quite frankly isn't really enough for video games. Especially as it's going for the hardcore market, I find this whole concept baffling, why even bother releasing it?
Tomb Raider really gets going after the first 2 hours or so, the game started off a huge disappointment as I played a 2 hours long cutscene but once it gets going it's very enjoyable. Feel the story and gameplay are disconnected though as the mechanics of the game get in the way of the story it's trying to tell, Lara appears wimpy and is 'growing' to overcome her obstacles during the majority of play but when you're in game you're a homicidal shotgun wielding bloodthirsty SON OF A B. They needed to loosen the gun play a little bit on that game, at least initially, even if it was to make the levelling up system mean anything. Very good fun though, solid 7 - 8/10 game with some fantastic looking visuals and an incredible sense of atmosphere. Also, what is the point of hunting? At the start of the game they made it seem like it was going to be a big deal.
Sim City finally works, except it still doesn't have it's full feature set. Those who purchased the game will receive a free Origin game on March 18th to compensate the terrible launch. The game now works, turns out the game isn't that good, got worked up over server issues for nothing. It's not bad it's just the is so many questionable design choices and so many botched ideas that the game feels way too restrictive for it's own good, it's got a gameplay model that stifles creativity as opposed to encouraging it. The hugely hyped road drawing tool is fucking shit as well, also why the hell do only some cities have access to rail?!?! Also without cheetah speed the game is painfully slow meaning you're often waiting for enough money to do anything. The multiplayer is pretty fun, if you're all online, it breaks down a bit when you aren't there to communicate what you want the other cities to do and all too often you come back a couple of days later only to find your neighbour now has a crime problem which is now spreading to your town.... which kind of sucks tbh. Always on DRM is a pain in the arse as well, but at least the cities do feel alive and it's still an enjoyable game on many levels but it's not the timesink that I hoped it'd be.
Bioshock Infinite out next week, cannot wait.