Annoying niggly things that have happened during holidays
That haven't ruined them as such, just been annoying and niggly.
Went snowboarding a month or so ago. We were staying in a self catering place.
One night when I was just about to go to sleep, I reached over to the bedside table where I had a glass of water, to have a quick drink. The light was off so I was carefully feeling around for the glass when I accidentally pushed it over and smashed it.
The next day when I got up, I mentioned it to my friend, thinking it was no big deal, until my friend mentioned that there was a clause in the chalet information that means if you have any breakages at all, then its an instant 400 euro charge.
I came up with a couple of plans to avoid this - Plan A was to get a similar glass from one of the bars and plan b was to buy a whole set of glasses from a supermarket (there were 6 in total) and throw away the old ones that wouldn't match the new ones (more than likely).
After we'd been for a drink in most of the bars, we realised that all of the 250ml glasses that they had were all coca cola ones, so I started to have a look around the supermarkets, but to Noah vale, because they didn't have any either.
Anyway, I ended up haveing to spend 50 euros on a taxi into the town to buy a set of glasses. On the way back I was determined to not have to pay another 50 euros, so I got a coach to a nearby village. It stopped about 3 miles away from the resot, so I decided to walk the rest of the way...the pavement ended after about 1 miles, so I then had to walk along a mountain top road, hugging the side of the road.
I managed this for about 30 minutes until I gave up and waited in a layby to hitch a lift. Luckily someone stopped to give me a lift up to the resort.