So, I got dumped last night
by that twin.
quite happy about it really. I was on really poor form when we met up recently. I got really pissed and high the night before meeting and sent a lame assed text saying I'd be late with no real reason or plausible excuse.
I got there 20 minutes after we were supposed to meet (the amended time) and although we were meant to eat, I said I wasn't that hungry, but she could eat if she wanted. she didn't.
I didn't even kiss her when we met. what the hell, man?!1
Anyway, we went for a walk and I was pretty negative throughout. I just didn't want to be there, really.
In all honesty, I didn't want to see her anymore but due to being a coward and pure laziness, I couldn't be assed to terminate it. WHAT A GUY
She sent me a text last night saying she had hooked up with her ex over the weekend. this is clearly bullshit, but I wished her the best anyway. she said I was a great guy. I wasn't - I was a complete cock.
In many ways, I actually didn't want to go out with this girl. First time we met I thought ''re OK' I didn't find her particularly attractive, she was a bit old and so, so dull. well, plain, really.
So basically, I dumped myself last night. feels OK, actually.
Use this thread to talk about being dumped, dumping, taking a dump - anything really
*abandon reply* fuck that shit, maaaaan