British Academy Games Awards (aka a Wednesday Gaming Thread)
Loads of awards dished out to Journey (and rightfully so), I can't really argue too much with any of these although I've not got round to Unfinished Swan:
Best Game: Dishonored
Online Multiplayer: Journey
Game Design: Journey
Artistic Achievement: Journey
Original Music: Journey
Audio Achievement: Journey
Mobile & Handheld: The Walking Dead
Story: The Walking Dead
Game Innovation: The Unfinished Swan
Debut Game: The Unfinished Swan
Action: Far Cry 3
British Game: The Room
Performer: Danny Wallace - Thomas Was Alone
Family: Lego Batman 2
Strategy: Xcom - Enemy Unknown
Ones to Watch: Kind of a Big Deal - Starcrossed
Online Browser: SongPop
Sports/Fitness: New Star Soccer
Fellowship: Gabe Newell