Emma H: iam well and truely pissd off so much i fell like i could cry but iam not going to let this one person get me down at all iam just going to get on with my life x x
2 people like this.
Charlie A: why wats up hun
28 January at 23:23
Emma H: ozs this one person is pissing me off so much
28 January at 23:26
Emma H: hun
28 January at 23:26
Charlie A: which person hun
28 January at 23:27
Emma H: no its not just him rachel at all hun
28 January at 23:28
Rachel B: what are u saying about me
13 February at 23:53
Charlie A: Wats up hun
13 February at 23:54
Rachel B: l it peter not me
13 February at 23:55
Emma H: I never sed it was u
13 February at 23:56 via mobile
Rachel B: ok
13 February at 23:56
Rachel B: it peter
13 February at 23:56
Charlie A: Emma wats up
13 February at 23:57
Rachel B: charlie it peter upseting her
13 February at 23:57
Charlie A: Wats he done now
13 February at 23:58
Emma H: It's not got nothing to do with eney one els Charlie ok
14 February at 00:06 via mobile
Emma H: Charlie I will in box u and tell u ok Hun
14 February at 00:07 via mobile
Charlie A: Ok hun
14 February at 00:08
Emma H: Gd
14 February at 00:22 via mobile
Charlie A: R u going 2 inbox me
14 February at 00:27
Emma H: Yea Iam Hun ok x
14 February at 00:34 via mobile