So, my landlord isn't the best...
Stemming from the letting agents rant thread I thought I would ask the advice of the DiSers.
The house I live in is poorly decorated/unfinished and in a poor state of repair. Various items have broken over time/been broken since before I moved in and nothing, NOTHING has been fixed yet (I've lived here since the end of May 2012).
Anyway, over time my boyfriend has reported maintenance issues to the landlord via text (the landlord and letting agent always contact us via text and we do the same back) and dates have been 'arranged' for things to be fixed yet no one shows up OR we're told they'll send someone to fix it, no date is given and then we never hear anything about it again.
We've essentially been put in a position where either we hassle them every day until someone comes round or we just get on with things and ignore the issues.
I decided to draft a letter to write to the landlord/letting agent (our landlord owns the letting agency we rent from) and I was wondering if people think it's ok or if I should add/delete anything.
I don't want to to come across as an arsehole and don't want to give the landlord and excuse to get pissy with us and wonder if it's worth the bother having us rent from him if we're going to get fussy about maintenance issues but considering nothing has been fixed the entire time we've lived here and more things break every week, I think I have the right to be fussy.
Anyway, feedback please. The letter is below.
26th February 2013
To [landlord/letting agent name omitted],
As the residents of [address omitted] we are writing to inform you of several issues around the flat that require maintenance.
In the bathroom the cold tap on the sink will turn but no water comes out. This has unfortunately been broken since before we moved in (May 29th 2012). A plumber was scheduled to visit the flat and fix the tap several weeks ago, however he did not show and no word was received explaining why he did not show and when he will come again to fix the tap.
The window in the bedroom has jammed on one side so the window will not open further than a few centimetres.
The window handle in the bathroom came off when being closed several weeks ago (Friday the 15th of February) and we greatly appreciate that you came round to seal it shut within an hour of us contacting you which secured the flat in the meantime, however the handle requires reattachment in order to successfully open and close the window to provide ventilation for the bathroom which is essential after showering/bathing and when drying clothes on the pulley to avoid a build up of mould and condensation in the bathroom.
It was agreed through text that you would come to the flat on Wednesday 20th February to fix the window, however we did not receive a visit from you on this date and no word was given as to why this was or if a new date is to be arranged to get the windows fixed.
We would also like to take this opportunity to bring to you attention some further maintenance issues that have occurred during our stay here.
In the bathroom the tiles surrounding the toilet have progressively loosened over time and one or two move when stepped on, also this has caused the toilet to be slightly loose and have a tendency to 'lean' slightly at times when sat on.
Whatever was used to seal the tiles to the floor has begun to crack in the area surrounding the toilet and pieces of whatever was used for sealing the tiles have now broken off and disappeared (from being cleaned i.e. swept or hoovered/picked up by people's feet etc).
The toilet seat hinge on the left hand side (when facing the toilet) has snapped meaning the toilet seat is only attached to the bowl on one side. If you move when on the toilet or lift the toilet seat it slips to one side.
This item broke about a week ago when the toilet seat was lifted upwards from the bowl in order to be used.
The boiler in the living room seems to have some trouble producing hot water (the heating system has never been an issue though). When doing the dishes the hot water tap in the kitchen does not produce hot water unless turned on to the highest point (resulting in the kitchen being drenched) or if the bathroom sink hot tap is put on at the same time as the kitchen tap to 'trick' the boiler into thinking the tap is running at a pressure that requires the water to be heated.
This short term solution has worked for a while but now doesn't seem to work as well as it did and the hot tap(s) have to run for several minutes before the water even begins to become lukewarm.
We're wondering if there's any way to change the pressure levels in the boiler to make the water heat up without the taps being on full blast? We've tried resetting the boiler several times but it hasn't changed anything and the hot water seems to be working less and less well over time, but again the heating has been absolutely perfect with no issues.
The buzzer to the flat is also broken and has been since we moved in. We're unsure if this is an issue with all the buzzers in the stair and not specific to ours.
The issue with the buzzer is that if someone buzzes and you pick it up to speak to them they cannot hear you and you cannot hear them.
We assume this could be an issue with everyone's buzzer but cannot be certain, however is it possible to attempt to fix this so we can speak to whoever buzzes our door (which unfortunately all too often is not a visitor for us but for someone else!)?
We appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and respectively ask that you please contact us to arrange a date or dates for maintenance to take place for the window handle in the bathroom, window in the bedroom, the cold tap in the bathroom sink and the toilet seat in the bathroom (and if possible, the tiles surrounding the toilet which may just need to be re-sealed).
Please don't hesitate to contact us at any time to arrange dates suitable for for yourself and us for fixing these items.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Warmest Regards,
The Residents of [address omitted]
hedgehog's boyfriend