How much of a LAD is your dad*?
Obviously meowington's dad is a topLAD, but I reckon all dads have LAD potential. Lets discuss it in playground 'my dad is bigger than your dad (cars, Ireland, etc)' terms.**
My dad was a total LAD when he was younger. Evidence:
1. Once stabbed someone on a school trip (they were on a train and showing off the Swiss Army Knives they'd all bought when the train lurched and he fell over, stabbing his mate in the leg).
2. Once smashed a shop window when he and his mates discovered that big old glass windows had a certain amount of give in them, meaning you could bounce off them... up to a point.
3. Once woke up as a teenager to find he was covered in blood and cuts. He followed the stains out of the house and down the road and found his car 200 yards away in a ditch where he'd crashed it the night before.
4. Once woke up in a village hall being kicked by a policeman after passing out drunk there following a party.
5. Managed to win the heart of my mum even though she was already engaged to someone else, and even though my dad drove a moped at the time.
* Or other significant male role model in your life
** I remember once having a conversation in primary school where we were all trying to boast about how tall our dads were venturing that no one could jump over them. Seriously.