Keeping up to date with technology / backing shit up
Does it stress you out?
It does me.
My iPhone and iMac have both pretty much died in the past week and are getting to the point where I need to upgrade them.
But I use them so passingly that I resent paying £500 / 1200 for new models. So I looked into getting one that's 2 years old and they're half the price, but you sorta know it's just a stop gap solution. Likewise switching to HTC / PC has it's own issues.
Backing up is stressful too. Got stuff all over the shop, all my iTunes on a creaking external HD and finding now that design files on DVDs I burned 5 years ago now won't open. I've a mate who swears by Cloud and backs all his stuff up on there, which makes sense, but not sure I trust it just yet.
Does this bother anybody else? It didn't ought to and given that I've lost plenty of files before and it's really no bother, I don't know why I care. BUT IT FUCKING DOES MY HEAD IN.