so my Uncles funeral was yesterday
I felt very funny in the church, as always, but of course this was different.
It was suprisingly large and seemed to have the works.
It was led by a Monsignor, Someone said these are somewhere between a priest and a bishop.
Actually it was very impressive and the Monsignor was very kind and appreciative, depite a lot of us being obviously extremely heathen.
Look at the church, the picture with all the chairs
There was even a second service with the monsignor at the chappel at Exwick cemetary, which has loads of great huge trees. He is at the top of the hill overlooking all of Exeter. They put him in a hole about 12ft deep (to make sure I suppose :D )
No one else threw earth down on top of him.....I threw some, they were clods devon soil that stays on your hand, which is totally right, because he particularly wanted to be buried in landed with a loud bump on the coffin.
"It wasnt the cough that carried him off, it was the coffin they carried him off in" Is what he used to say, whenever he heard of a death (although in this case it was indeed lung cancer that spread to his brain)
He also used to sing, VERY loudly to me when I was a kid "the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out, yer brains come dribbling down your snout.....(then even louder and very theatrically) AH HA HA....HA HA"
I restrained myself though, although he was still egging me on to do something bad, so I did do some things, but ones that would not be noticed by people who would be upset and only noticed by those that wouldnt mind, and not really bad at all.
I was really worried about speaking in the church to all those people, but luckily the content and the sentiment wrote itself, and tears could punctuate it for me (Im awful at public speaking) But He did teach me to get through things that you are scared of and it worked.....although it helped that I wanted to talk about him.
I remet Auntie Cheryl again and she was lovely, she expressed Martins closeness to me when I was smaller and how he was really happy to have me living with him, and wanted to even more of a father to me.
It was also nice to feel closer to Stacey, his daughter, my cousin, feel more brotherly towards her.
Blimey it was really draining though