Gossip etiquette
There is a girl in my office, who I have aptly named 'Satan', as that's what her name first comes up with in predictive text. Anyway, we work in an open plan office, and on a normal day she's overtly loud. Loud enough that when she gossips (even when she whispers) you know who she's talking about and why. It's distracting. She is poison. Shirley the best thing is to go and get a coffee instead of jibber jabbering to the world.
We also used to have a Greek girl who would gossip about people to another Greek girl in front of them. One day a girl they were bitching about turned around after half an hour of the blatant nasty chat to say to them: "My grandmother is Greek, I can understand what you're saying"
When do you become too old to gossip? Shirley this is something you, as an adult, have more sense to do out of earshot or not at all?