Best of Both!
D-Cam did a spot of blogging over the weekend, I see. I wonder if his best of both toast was the inspiration?
»Over three centuries we have built world-renowned institutions like the NHS and BBC, fought for freedom and democracy in two World Wars, and pioneered and traded around the world.«
»The NHS«, eh? Which one? There are four of 'em in the UK, each with their own history. Scotland had developed a national health service before 'The NHS' came into being. The running of NHS Scotland is an entirely devolved matter.
»Two World Wars« ...and one World Cup? ...and an illegal war or two for good measure. Lovely stuff.
»...pioneered and traded around the world.« Quite a cute euphemism for 'Empire! Half the map used to be pink!'.
He's also been musing over the Olympics. »
If you told many people watching those Olympics around the world that we were going to erect barriers between our people, they’d probably be baffled.« They'd probably be baffled because of your use of the wood 'barriers', Dave. Couldn't quite bring yourself to trot out the well-worn 'passports at a barbed wire border control' nonsense, but were keen to slip in a vague allusion to it? Never mind the fact that 'Britain & NI' isn't a thing at the Commonwealth Games, or any number of other sporting shiz.
Also, there's a story doing the rounds today with Westminster making the claim that the remainder of the UK would be the »continuing state«, with an independent Scotland having to 'start from scratch' and negotiate »1400« new treaty agreements, etc.
Hmmm, interesting. Presumably, 'starting from scratch' means not being liable for any of the UK national debt. Nice.
And those treaties? Most of 'em are centuries old and made with countries that don't even exist any more.
Meanwhile, the SNP gov proposal for a shared Sterling currency zone gets the thumbs up from a bunch of Nobel prize winners who say that it's be good for Scotland and good for the rest of the UK.
Any other businesses?