This is a gaming thread because I haven't seen one yet.
Do they roll out on Thursdays? Forget that.
This week I have mostly been playing DmC: Devil may Cry (actually quite a bit brilliant/mental... forget the hardcore haters, there's lots of combo fun to be had. Though it's no Bayonetta), and Daytona and Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast. Any recommendations for DC must-haves? I don't have too much so far - those games, Power Stone, Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi. Sonic Adventure doesn't play but got it for the 360, so...
Ni No Kuni comes out, makes Xbox owners jealous.
Blah blah blah re next-gen of consoles... I'll believe it all when I see it all.
Deadpool gets some proper previews and juuuust might be a bit brilliant... I've hopes, what with High Moon's involvement. Their War for/Fall of Cybertron games are splendid.
(In column news: Feb's is movies and that with Aliens: Colonial Marines, March's a reboot special with DmC and Tomb Raider)