Cyborg 2
This was on Horror last night and I had no idea it existed. Straight to video sequel to the magnificent Golan-Globus produced Van Damme debacle of 4 years previous, which they kind of made by accident when their Spider-Man project fell through.
I didn't get to see all of it but the bits I did see were fucking brilliant. An exploding sex robot. TMNT-era Elias Koteas. Shameless Blade Runner ripoffs. Shameless Terminator/T2 ripoffs. Japanophobic techno bullshit. Jack Palance's disembodied mouth dispensing expositional dialogue from conveniently placed TV monitors. Set design that wouldn't look out of place in The Crystal Maze's Future Zone. And best of all, an outrageously attractive 18 year old Angelina Jolie trying not to look embarrassed by it all. It's on again at 2:35 tomorrow morning. Recommended for fans of extremely silly DTV sci-fi b-movie bollocks. I've got the Sky box set to record.