Dad pubs you've been dragged in to
I don't know about you, but my Dad always seemed to have a radar for the sketchiest pubs in any given town, which he would then drag me and my brother in to. When we were kids this was OK, as we were quiet and well behaved and people bought us pork scratchings and told us inappropriate jokes. The charm seemed to wear off once we were old enough to buy our own pints though.
For example, every time we went back to Glasgow, rather than the fancy Dan city centre, we were taken here:,-4.179599&spn=0.000003,0.002368&safe=active&hq=the+westburn+bar&hnear=Glasgow,+Glasgow+City,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=55.855988,-4.179599&panoid=XK5B65KnQ5TEkqLirFkTww&cbp=12,101.88,,0,2.75
and sometimes here to meet his one armed postman friend:,+Glasgow&hl=en&ll=55.852491,-4.180449&spn=0.000003,0.002368&sll=55.821369,-4.173689&sspn=0.010126,0.037894&hq=Shettleston+pubs,&hnear=Glasgow,+Glasgow+City,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=55.852491,-4.180449&panoid=uU5e9u-UJd0-77qr3whH6Q&cbp=12,13.14,,0,-2.45
When we were younger, our Darlington local used to be here. I mean, I know Darlo is a shithole, but honestly, we could have done a little better:,-1.558717&spn=0.000003,0.002368&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=5.452105,19.401855&hnear=Darlington,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=54.524559,-1.558869&panoid=yA1petn9IVfjGXwkrDrW3g&cbp=12,124.53,,0,-0.64
In later years our Darlington local was here:,+Beaumont+Street,+Darlington&hl=en&ll=54.523182,-1.555924&spn=0.000003,0.002368&sll=54.576303,-1.233704&sspn=0.334316,1.212616&oq=Inside+Out+&hq=Inside+Out,&hnear=Beaumont+St,+Darlington,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=54.523182,-1.555924&panoid=a_LE6w1lfHaj0_ypHbgJhg&cbp=12,292.3,,0,-7.13
When he dropped my brother off to uni in Stoke, we stopped off here (where a couple of off-their-tits young families were doing karaoke at 2 in the afternoon and somebody was changing a nappy on the bar):,-2.174004&spn=0.000003,0.002368&safe=active&hq=reginald+mitchell+pub&hnear=Stoke-on-Trent,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=53.025373,-2.174004&panoid=e2VZjZZVU-WOhc23mc4UrA&cbp=12,90.18,,0,-3.87
When he came to visit me after uni in Leeds, he somehow managed to find this unmarked hovel, of which I had been blissfully unaware for four years:,+Leeds&hl=en&ll=53.795946,-1.541398&spn=0.000003,0.002368&sll=54.483302,-1.553454&sspn=0.000661,0.002368&oq=leeds+corn+&hq=Leeds+Corn+Exchange,+Leeds&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=53.795934,-1.541269&panoid=Nf10Spk4fVIjPI2Jwy_fIA&cbp=12,214.05,,0,-1.89
These are just the major ones I remember. If I've visited your town/city, chances are I've been dragged to the worst pub in it. Please add your own links for the worst pubs you've been dragged in to sit quietly drinking endless cans of Coke/nervously sink a pint and avoid eye contact with the locals.