Can we talk about David Icke please?
The man is amazing. Not necessarily right, or completely grounded, but amazing. I'm obsessed with the levels of conspiracy he goes into. He's created a world of literal Tolkein like depth. Here's the basic summary:
Humanity is an infinite consciousness of all possibilities that is trapped into constant war, conformity and separation by shape shifting reptiles that live in the rings of Saturn and they have us trapped into a 5-sense reality by beaming a holographic reality down onto earth using the artificial moon as a amplifier for these signals so they can feed off the energy of our misery.
Pretty awesome huh? What's more amazing is the amount of "evidence" and depth he has into ever element of this conspiracy.
He talks a lot of sense about many things - like elites and where power lies, and the causes of wars, child abuse cover ups, the ebbing away of humanities rights through terrorism threats.
But then he takes it all this good evidence and says SEE, LIZARDS.
Frustrating. But the guy is mega interesting. Yeah?