101 6th form marxist opinions to blindly defend (COME ON THEN)
1. "Waa! It's all Thatcher's fault! (even though she'll be dead soon and what have YOU people done to ever reinvigorate British industry?)"
2. "Waa! Churchill did some terrible things and because he had a bit of a cuntish personality it meant all his efforts to save us in WW2 are an irrelevance!"
3. "Waa! Patrick Moore deserved to die for occasionally saying racist things! Even though my own grandma says worse but I love her because I'm related to her by blood.. actually, die you piss-stained old blind bitch"
4. "Waa! Every time you eat at a chain store, AN AFRICAN BABY DIES because of YOUR MERE PSEUD SLAVE-COFFEE"
5. "Waa! Meat is murder! But my opinion would change like the wind if Adam Richman was in the Smiths"
6. "Waa! PEOPLE EARNING MILLIONS FOR SOD ALL IS BAD. especially JUST KICKING A BALL. unless it's MY football team.. fill your boots! How's the Union flag-burning, Tevez?"
7. "The workers are always being exploited, especially in cottage industries where they have been self-sufficient for generations and the man has no input.. just the weather for crop yields! But THE MAN causes the weather!"
8. "Grammar or fee-paying schools serve a bourgeois education system to shove the working class into the underclass... er, oh yeah, my parents sent me to one to get away from the chavs."
9. "I think it's DISGRACEFUL that PAGE 3 shows all these women being treated like pieces of meat on a butcher's shelf.. but if they were actresses from some poncey black-and-white French arthouse flick it would be FEMALE LIBERATION"
10. "White working-class heterosexual males are sexually inferior. And have no feelings or culture!"