co-dependant relationships
of you bedwetters who have a significant other/BF/GF/dog that you cuddle at night, how co-dependant would you say you are?
my parents have been married for like 40 plus years now and have reached a terrifying level of co-dependence, I swear at points my Dad now just doesn't bother thinking for himself as he knows my Mum will intervene and make the most basic of decisions for him, including shit like what he's going to wear that day or have for breakfast.
part of my finds it incredibly endearing, as he does a lot of things for her that she can't or just never has, but it also got me wondering how quickly this type of thing develops or whether it's better to try and always maintain a sense of self nomatter how long you've been with someone?
alternatively here's a cat playing drums to a death-metal song -