What do you think sums up our generation?
I guess first we have to work our what generation we're talking about - I suppose some Dissers are old enough to be Xers, but I guess the majority of people will be Generation Y/Millennials, those who began to come of age in the late 90s and 00s, grew up with technology, and have inherited a terrible job market and all the other stuff.
I've been trying to think if there's any book or film or album that can really define that cohort, in the way that Nirvana and Coupland's Generation X did for the Xers, but I wonder if it's really possible. I was thinking something like Scott Pilgrim? Or Girls? But does this generation really have any distinguishing features that can be turned into art?
Basically I want to write a generation-defining book, but I want you to come up with the details.