it's sunday service
what with it being sunday n all
so the buses are spaced out, every couple of hours one comes .
i missed mine marginally, but it was fine. obviously. there was a wetherspoons nearby
i sat drinking an ale called 'grumptons' or something like that. it tasted like burnt sugar mixed with the dated smog of my grandparents toy cupboard. \nyway, i'm issing my pint
i sat watching subtitled news. annoyed at the typos, news must beconfusing for the deaf. i ended up laiughing at a grandads joke.. he turned round, as did his familyt. they seemed to welcome me.
i've missed mypoint again.
i sat alone. a dranks some beer.
do you think there are people who dont speak for a day/days?
not out of choice, bit,, they just have no-one to talk to./ and not because th3ey have nothing to say
it's odd.
that is my question/