are there things that you have lost a long time ago that you are still convinced you will be able to find?
obviously, this being DiS, none of you have lost your virginity, i'm thinking more about keys and the like.
i lost a wallet in rockworld in manchester probably 15 years ago. i was still convinced i could find it if they let me in during the day until they shut the place down and turned it into a tesco. also, i had this great toy that used to fire cars out when i was a kid. i lost that but i reckon if i had a full day to look round my parent's house then i would be able to find it.
also i had a pair of brown and yellow forest hills and i lost one of those. i think i might know where it is. i've got a feeling someone hid it on top of the fan in our lounge when i moved out. it's probably still there. that was about 8 or 9 years ago i think