Here's another housemate thing
Our housemate moved out a week or so ago. We had one person who looked around and another of our housemate's friends said she would move in. We were under the impression that she was moving in on the 5th.
When I came back from xmas on Boxing Day or something there was a big box of food in the kitchen and stuff in the empty room so I assumed the new girl had brought some stuff already. Then on new years eve this guy who had been showed round walks in with a key and says "hi, I'm the new guy, I moved in the other day". I was like what the fuuuuck but didn't say anything to him.
I text one housemate to check that we thought the other's mate was moving in and he thought so, I sent the other housemate a message on Facebook as she's in Ireland at the mo and I don't have her number but I've not heard back from her since. Now our landlord is pretty easy going and doesn't ask for a deposit or contract and stuff but I don't know what to do now, as far as we're aware the new girl could be moving in on Saturday. Erk.