went to the supermarket before and the guy in front of me in the queue was buying loads of standard everyday stuff (bread, milk, butter, juice, jam, teabags, sugar, other stuff i don't really need to list) + 12 rolls of reduced christmas wrapping paper.
thought this was a bit odd, but was going to leave it, but i started thinking 'yeah, he might just have loads of presents still to wrap for family who he's going to visit or something', and similar thoughts.
anyway, decided to ask him indirectly, saying 'think you're a couple of days late, pal', knowing this could well backfire in a number of ways, but he just laughed and said 'save a few pennies for next year, innit, never miss a bargain, me'.
they were reduced from 89p to 59p. imagine being such a planner that you thought it a good idea to save yourself £3.60 in a years time. all the worse, he actually overtook me on foot walking away from the supermarket, just about managing to not drop all his stuff.
anyway, please tell us the earliest you've bought someone just to save a bit of money well down the line (maybe Christmas present buying in the January sales, etc) just so i can update the mentals list.