christmas is the only time of the year when i end up sat in front of a television
and i can confirm it's still rubbish
downtown abbey - 6/10 - great use of the word slut. can't remember exactly the conversation but it was something like "you look like a slut" and then someone else said something about it being a word hidden in a bush?? idk
paul ogrady visiting dogs in battersea dog's home - 2/10 - was merrily watching the fellowship of the rings after EVERYONE had decided to go and nap. half way through my dad got up and put on a pre-record showing of paul o'grady going on about dogs. nobody likes dogs
dancing based talent shows - 0/10 - my parents have them recorded and re-watch them. this is not good. also noted during the adverts that there is to be a show like these but with dogs dancing???
celebrity woman giving gifts to good human beings - 6/10 - i think she was off a soap or something. can't really argue with doing something nice for people
emmerdale - 1/10 - the only real memory of this was that one member of the cast (female) had a push up bra on underneath a jumper.
coronation street - 1/10 - people shagging their brother's wife? doesn't happen IRL.