Anyone know what cheese they use
In those cheese wrapped in bacon Christmas delicacies? Google doesn’t say….
There weren’t any in Sainsbury’s…..can't be arsed to go M&S....but I have bacon
Is it Manchego? Think it might be manchego…… isn't Manchego.........
Have so much cheese in the house, but not the right cheese - Smoked applewood, Elgar mature, Colston Bassett Stilton, Cornish Yarg, Old Amsterdam, Lanark Blue, Ould Lochnager ,Brie de Meaux, Chevre Premier De Moulis, Ementhal, cheddars
^ 1 billion indie points right there
I predict the following answers – something about cock cheese, vagina cheese (maybe too uncouth), smell my cheese…..
Happy Cheesmas!!!111