making smalltalk is hard so help me
backstory; the water cooler is outside the office next to the receptionists desk.
went to get a cup of water and she said 'you like drinking water don't you?' i guess in a way that was supposed to initiate conversation. i didn't know what to say so i just walked away but maybe i should have said something because i felt a bit rude after but i'm not sure what you say in such a situation because there isn't really any particular answer i give i mean everyone likes water don't they? its not like tea or coffee or like irn bru where there is a particular taste and no real significant quality to water on which someone can comment on. there are many similar situations with colleagues in which i just look at them but can't think of anything to say and so end up just walking away and probably making them thinking i'm a bit mean which maybe i am but it certainly isn't intentional; i like all but one of my workmates and she doesn't really make casual conversation so the issue doesn't occur with her.
not sure what to do.