Thursday Gaming Thread (the super early edition!)
I am super awake... so why the hell not + the is a lot to talk about
So THQ have declared bankruptcy with several licences and intellectual property being sold off at auction. I imagine that Stick Of Truth, Saints Row 4, Company Of Heroes 2 and Metro will all find new homes but it's a real shame. As a publisher I did like THQ even if they were a bit boneheaded when it came to business sense.
WarZ is pulled from Steam after just 2 days after the devs were caught lying on the store page about the features available in the game, turns out the producer of this game is none other then the head coder of LOLfest and worst game ever 'Big Rigs Over The Road Racing and I am glad this dev seems to be getting what they deserve. Seriously read up on the whole thing, the are way too many details to go into, but it's nice to see the Steam Community react the way they did as it should hopefully prevent future devs from trying the kind of shady tricks and unethical marketing practices away from Steam.
Steam Christmas sale will start later today, so prepare to have your bank account raped.
I've been playing 'Waking Mars' it's pretty good, I love the way you have to sustain an ecosystem in a puzzler, very therapeutic and relaxing. Going further into Borderlands 2 and the pace has really picked up and I can now confidently say it's a far superior game to the original.
WarZ is pulled from Steam after just 2 days after the devs were caught lying on the store page about the features avaliable in the game, turns out the producer of this game is none other then the head coder of LOLfest and worst game ever 'Big Rigs Over The Road Racing and I am glad this dev seems to be getting what they deserve. Seriously read up on the whole thing, the are way too many details to go into, but it's nice to see the Steam Comunity react the way they did as it should hopefully prevent future devs from trying the kind of shady tricks and unethical marketing practices away from Steam.
Steam Christmas sale will start later today, so prepare to have your bank account raped.
I've been playing 'Waking Mars' it's pretty good, I love the way you have to sustain an ecosystem in a puzzler, very thereputic and relaxing. Going further into Borderlands 2 and the pace has really picked up and I can now confidently say it's a far superior game to the original.