i watched Christopher Nolan's Batman films this week...
Properly. Putting aside my natural hatred of most things that are popular, my residing thought after seeing them was that they were a couple of maverick performances (Ledger, and to a lesser extent Hardy) off being terrible.
They're all too long, two of them have central premises that the audience can't really understand but goes with anyway, the first film just has a boring, unbelievable villain (Scarecrow), they all feature Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman just being Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman a lot, and Bale just ain't that good.
Of the three, The Dark Knight is the only one i'd watch again. Batman Begins is just bad, and The Dark Knight Rises, y'know, has Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it, and in parts is very over-explanatory.
Overall, i just think i prefer Tim Burton's trilogy to Nolan's.