Occasional thread for chat about comics (not comedians)
The funny books, serial art, you know what i mean.
Marvel's started its reboot/revamp/renumbering and other than the Fantastic Four and FF books which i got into during the Kirkman run, i've not bothered checking them out, but if any of you have delved and have recommendations i'd be happy to hear about them.
Locke and Key is near its end, the final volume has one or two issues left and by fuck its brilliant. If you havn't heard about it, i suggest having a google or flicking through one of the trade collections of the previous volumes, its very well written, has a genuine sense of dread pervading the whole thing and is on occasion madder than a box of things which creep at angles through the shadows from forgotten realms.
Various titles worth checking out if you havn't heard of them are;
The Manhattan Projects
The Massive
Debris (which was a short run of four issues and had stunning artwork)
Prophet which I've only picked up recently (issue 25 onwards) and drawn by the guy who does King City. Fucking amazing. I'll see if i can find some of the artwork and plunk a link or two in. a reboot of some old title id never heard of before. its visually arresting in a way i cant do justice.
Saga similar scope and mad space opera feel to Prophet, very different style and tone. i wasnt sure about it initially, but its been worth sticking with.
Archer & Armstrong (quite good fun, if you liked the hercules book that was out a couple of years ago, you'll probably like this)
Hawkeye (really, for a character I could barely give a fuck about ever before, his stand alone series is pretty good. its done by the same people who did bits of the secret avengers before the reboot, i think, but thats purely from the visual style being similar to some of the issues in that run)
Rachel Rising
Punk Rock Jesus
Multiple Warheads (more from the Prophet/King City artist, he's really really good)
and Jamie Smart who did Bear and Ubu Bubu has had a web comic going since May which is wondrously juvenile called Corporate Skull. Here's the link to that as I had it handy.
Your turn, whatcha been reading, any thoughts on the continued New52 or Marvel Now, anything worth checking out beyond the big two and their love of men in tights?